Wednesday, May 6, 2020
School Vaccination Laws Should Not Be A Safe Environment...
Vaccination programs are among the most cost effective and widely used public health interventions and have helped to control the spread of epidemic diseases, including smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and polio.1 Each state has school vaccination laws which require children of appropriate age to be vaccinated for several communicable diseases. 2. Subject to exceptions, including individual medical,3 religious,4 and philosophical 5 objections, modern state school vaccination laws mandate that children be vaccinated prior to being allowed to attend public or private schools. Failure to vaccinate children can result in children being denied from attending school, civil fines and criminal penalties (although rarely employed)6 against their parents or guardians, and other measures(e.g., the closure of a school).Advocates argue that childhood vaccinations ensure a safe environment for children who attend public schools. Supporters of childhood vaccinations believe that vacci nes help prevent the following illnesses: whooping cough, diphtheria, and rubella. People who support childhood vaccinations believe that people that are against vaccinations have misguided beliefs. People who oppose childhood vaccinations argue that children should not be vaccinated due to their ability to naturally heal themselves. Opponents also believe that childhood vaccinations cause various side effects like seizures or even death. People who oppose vaccinations conclude that researchShow MoreRelatedShould Vaccines Be Government Enforced?1584 Words  | 7 PagesJordan Angel Mrs. Lenkey American Lit. 17/2/2016 Should Vaccines be Government Enforced Vaccination has been a long-established and adopted practice in the U.S. since its inception. Having been required for certain school districts since the early 1800’s, many have wondered if the government should play a role in this. Vaccines are safe and effective, eradicating numerous diseases which were once prominent. However, they are neither perfectly safe nor perfectly effective. Government enforced vaccinesRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccination1241 Words  | 5 Pagesbest for children, whether it be their own or not. Most people also want the best for society. But the question is, why would some of these same people deliberately cause the suffering of children and jeopardize society just because they do not believe in vaccination? Vaccinations help save lives by building immunity to deadly diseases, but people are willing to risk lives just because their political beliefs or religious beliefs or skepticism keeps them from vaccinating their children. To makeRead More Should Children Vaccinations Be Mandatory?1492 Words  | 6 Pagesscientists developing vaccinations that help the body create antibodies, which help fight away diseases, and give the body immunity. I believe that forced vaccinations in children should be mandatory as they have the potential to prevent life threatening diseases, and save countless lives. Though many are against forced vaccinations and say they can cause mental illnesses or brain damage, this has not been proven. The rewards far out way the slight risk, if risk at all of the vaccination having side effectsRead MoreSitting In That Room, You Wait Anxiously For The Arrival1343 Words  | 6 Pagesbeside you. Then a stench of alcohol is released in the air as she rubs the wipe on your arm. Then she counts down, â€Å"3-2-1.†That is when you feel the pinch of a needle. That was not so bad, considering that the vaccine is going to protect you. Parents should make their kids get vaccinated because it protects t hem from the diseases that run through the world. Fear of autism is leading to a fear of vaccines; however, vaccines are critically important for children’s health. Disneyland, California is supposedRead MorePros And Cons Of Vaccination1665 Words  | 7 PagesVaccinations, Worth A Shot! Mandated Vaccinations are a huge argument right now because of health and disease issues. There are people on both sides of this argument. Some people are against vaccinating their children because they feel they are being forced to have their child get vaccinated. While some people feel the need that vaccinations are important to protect themselves from any illness or diseases. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all schools and health care purposes. For one, peopleRead MoreThe Medical Influence Of The American Medical Association1263 Words  | 6 PagesAssociation, has an 80,000 member group ready to lobby for mandatory vaccinations (Mihalovic n.p.). If their influence among legislators is strong enough, they can eventually force parents to vaccinate their children in order to access educational institutions. In history, only three provinces had mandatory requirements for vaccines, Ontario, Manitoba and New Brunswick. Nonetheless, proponents for mandatory vaccination believe that it should be done on a local scale. They believe that the large percentageRead MoreWhy Vaccination Should Be Mandatory1453 Words  | 6 PagesVaccines Should be Required to Attend School Nundi Hall-Travis GND 1015: First Year Seminar November 21, 2015 Why Vaccines Should be Required to Attend School Ever since the invention of the first smallpox vaccine more than two centuries ago, there has been plenty of controversy over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and safety of vaccination and immunization. It has recently been argued whether laws should be introduced that render some or all vaccines obligatory for all children (Singer)Read MoreVaccines : Defense Against Disease Or Illness?1657 Words  | 7 Pagesillnesses. In response to such outbreaks, people searched for ways to protect themselves. One protection method was vaccination. The creation of the first vaccine, the further development of common vaccinations, and the varied responses to vaccination have greatly impacted society. The creation of the first vaccine has affected many people. According to Shots Without Guns: The Story of Vaccination by Sarah R. Riedman, smallpox is a disease that afflicts countless people (11). In the article, â€Å"Healing PowerRead MoreMandatory Immunization Of Children For School Entry1601 Words  | 7 Pageseliminated California s personal belief exemption. These laws create a very low bar for parents to obtain an exemption. Often they simply have to check a box stating they don’t want to vaccinate their children, and that is sufficient. States with personal belief exemptions have 2.5 times the vaccine refusal rate as states with religious exemptions only. Essentially, the easier it is to obtain a vaccine exemption, the lower the vaccination rate. Personal belief exemption rates have gone up dramaticallyRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccination1612 Words  | 7 Pagesfor yourself, but for everyone around you. Vaccines have few ingredients, almost all of which you come in contact with every day. The government tests and regulates vaccines continuously, not just while they’re being manufactured so you know they’re safe. The overall impact vaccinating has had on the world is great, some diseases have even been eliminated. People have many concerns involving vaccinating, my goal for this essay is to clear those up. You may have a few questions about vaccines
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