
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Difference in Sunni and Shia Muslims

The difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims is not Muslim beliefs or spiritual differences, but politics. The division of Sunni and Shia Muslims started after the death of the visionary Muhammad. Sunni Muslims believed that the new draw of the Muslim nation should be elected extinct of those most capable of the job. Shia Muslims believed that leadership should be passed to his cousin or son-in-law. The leader was elected out of those most capable of the job. Abu Bakr was the first Caliph of the Moslem nation.The word Sunni in Arabic means one who follows the traditions of the Prophet. The word Shia in Arabic means a group or supportive political party of people. They are also known as followers of the Prophet. Shias believe that Imams are descendants of the Prophet. Sunnis accept that the first four Caliphs were followers of Mohammad, but do not grant any kind of divinely inspired military position to their clerics. Afghanistan is made up of 84 percent Sunnis and 15 perce nt Shias. more or less Pashtuns are Sunni Muslims, while most Hazaras are Shia Muslims. In The Kite base runner Amir and Baba are Sunni Muslims and Hassan and Ali are Shia Muslims. Hazaras are in the main Shia Muslims and Pashtuns are generally Sunni Muslims. They have different beliefs but between Amir and Hassan it does not limit a difference. Hassan is called derogatory names by Assef and some others because he is a Hazara and a Shia Muslim. Amir is not because he is a Pashtun and a Sunni Muslim.

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