
Friday, December 20, 2013

Female Engineers In Europe

FEMALE ENGINEERS IN EUROPE2006 TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction 3Myths and Realities : The Ideals of Masculinity in apply intelligence Culture 4 7Why women should become engineers 7Specialization atomic number 18as that amaze gained in attracting women 7Challenges for women care engineer studyprogrammes 8Challenges that young-bearing(prenominal) graduates of engineering studyprogrammes face in the performance conception 9Skills that women need to develop in to succeed 11Creating a balance between charge and family 12Strategies to make engineering science take up Programmes appealing toWomen across Europe 14Breaking stereotypes 14Humanizing engineers : the female touch 17Conclusions 18REFERENCES 20 IntroductionThe knit of light and engineering have traditionally remained as male-dominated arenas throughout the world . Wome n face galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) obstacles in the adit and growth in the engineering world , and are frequently under-represented in the industry and in decision-making bodies and boardrooms . tear down though on that point have been important improvements in the participation of women in scientific field , the number of women who put on high positions in science in many countries is much(prenominal) lower than in roughly advanced countries such(prenominal) as the United States (U .S (Wynarczyk 2004Technology-based organisations have great been challenged to deal with gender unlikeness in the giveplace . educational change programs which centre on miscellanea management , run for by people such as Sue Lewis , who has worked well with corporation to help centering on gender diversity and its impact in work and study places (Institute for Social query n .d , are exceedingly encouraged . Lewis , together with Jane Copeland , make significant impac t on engineering on their explore on the ex! periences of female engineers . They provided that it is gardening itself that should change , and how it perceives women in male-dominated fields such as engineering , rather than changing the individualistic (Copland and Lewis 1998 .
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However , related studies , just about notably by pathos Carter , argues that this may be operose to achieve since engineering is a unique profession that entrust not easily sweep change due to its precise nature (Carter and Kirkup , 1990 . These issues and debates on women and science have been internationally recognised , with the European Commission establishing a separa te of national representatives , called the capital of Finland Group on Women and cognizance , which provides for forum for dialogue about national policies regarding women and science , and serves as a venue for women to make do and compare experiences . The Helsinki group provides for national reports on the posture of women scientists , including women engineers , in their respective countries to inhabit to understand why women are excluded from engineering and other fields of science (CORDIS , 2006Yet despite these efforts , many women still encounter challenges in pursuing an engineering charge . One of the major obstacles is reconciliation a career and family , with many women fearing that they will pay a price in career advancement if they opt to focus on family obligations (Byko 2005 . This will reckon the various biases against women in the field of engineering , the preconceived smell of engineering as male-dominated field...If you essential to get a total ess ay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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